Lake Monona 20K: Hills and Wind are Four Letter Words


Never been so happy to see a finish line.

Saturday I ran my longest run — and race — ever: 12.4 miles. This was a hard race. Started with hills and wind that never seemed to end. How we ran INTO the wind the whole race is beyond me. Hills and Wind became four letter words.

I had moments where my legs felt good and I enjoyed the pace. Then I had moments where I was second guessing why I decided to do the run. I’m two weeks out from my first half marathon so this was to be a test race/run. Made me more nervous for my half.

I am proud I accomplished the huge goal of running 12 miles. I’m impressed my legs can do that. But at the same I’m quite frustrated with my pace time. I know I need to let it go, but I continue to remember my 11:30 pace pre-baby 2. I feel SO SLOW. It’s hard not to feel a bit demoralized when you see you’re one of the last few people to cross the finish. I know I need to let it go, but that’s easier said than done.

I should be proud that I did the race. That I ran around the whole “damn lake” as my running buddy so aptly called it. But I’m having a hard time doing that. Am I really that slow, or is Madison just that fast?

I’m going to focus on my training for the next two weeks and hope I feel a bit better mentally by the time Cellcom Green Bay arrives.

Other notes: I need to figure out how to replace salts during these long runs. I had a horrible headache and nausea Saturday night. I need to figure out something so I don’t experience that again. It was awful!

Running is such a mind game.

3 thoughts on “Lake Monona 20K: Hills and Wind are Four Letter Words

  1. Renee says:

    I still learn something every race. You did great finishing the race! I’m a fan on Nuun because it’s not too sweet and helps replace electrolytes.


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