Found: Running Euphoria

I started training the first weekend in February and so far, I’ve done great sticking to the plan. I’ve figured out the best time for week runs is early in the morning before work. I have zero motivation after working all day, cooking dinner, getting kids ready for bed and cleaning up the kitchen. Plus all the other stuff like laundry that happen in between there. I am not a morning person but I have been finding joy in the peaceful, quiet time of 5 a.m. before the chaos starts.

Ice on Lake Monona

Ice on Lake Monona

Since starting back, my running has been short and slow. But I’ve done a good job of not getting too discouraged with myself. I keep telling myself at least I’m putting in the work and eventually I’ll see it pay off. That happened yesterday!

I went out for a three-mile run with Amanda yesterday. We chose the Lake Monona path because the weather was going to be beautiful. The run was perfect. It felt effortless and amazing. My legs felt good and happy. The distance was good; the pace was good. I haven’t had a run like that since last spring. I was missing that feeling. All runners know that feeling. It’s what keeps us running. Pure euphoria. I was on a high all day from that run.

Training with Fleet Feet starts Sunday and I think I’m ready. This week’s runs should help for Sunday’s four miles. It feels good to put in the work.

I had a rough fall. I was unemployed. Unsure of what was next. I struggled with everything as one does when they are unemployed. I was frustrated with my ankle. I gained weight and felt down for most of the season. It feels good to be back to myself. Feeling motivated at work and motivated in my training. The mental state is a tricky thing.

Blessed and grateful for where I am now. So excited to kick off spring training and setting my sights on the Madeline Island Half May 20th.